Kanpur is a city in North India.
It is a city in the state of Uttar pradesh.
Uttarpradesh along with Bihar, Rajashthan and Madhyapradesh have the distinction of having the highest Maternal Mortality rate. Where women even to this day die or sufffer due to complications of pregnancy.
The funny part is, Kanpur also incidentally has a very large number of beauty parlors..
These statistics are baffling and ironic.
On one hand, women are dying in these states during and before and after child birth.And on other hand these very states seem to have no dearth for luxury beautification parlors ..whoa..
So, the families in this city think that providing enough medical care for these women during pregnancy is not as important as beautification.
Maternal Mortality rate is an indicator of lack of enough nutrition and medical facilities available to women during pregnancy and during labour and after parturition .Most deaths that occur can easily be prevented by giving your women enough medical care to ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy and labour ...
But ,there is a lot of gender discrimination in these states..The males are very very selfish, to such an extent that they think that even feeding a woman is a burden.They look to squeeze the last bit of work out of the woman with minimum input in the form of food or medical care. They also deny girl children good school education due to which these girls grow up to become dependant on men for their needs .It baffles me as to how they have managed to convince themselves that women are less important than men!How and why? As far as i can see, women are the ones that can not only work outside and earn money, they are biologically more significant, since after conception, women have to invest more time and have to risk their own lives to bring forth the next generation. you see, Man gives the sperm, woman gives an ovary. but after conception, women then alsso have to give a uterus, and nine months of their time and energies and even their own bodies .
Given the higher contribution by women in terms of bring forth the next generation, logically, women are the more important ones.. Not that i am for indulging in the silly and non productive exercise of arguing as to which gender is important..It is silly..
anyways, coming back to kanpur. a good hundred years or more of discrimination of girl children in these parts has left a whole generation of women with no educational qualifications that can allow them to get a job that can pay for their own needs.Due to this deprivation of education they are left to the mercy of the men due to which the men tend to use this financial dependancy to control and abuse these women. After all, money is power. So, these foolish men somehow want to pretend like their needs are the most important. Often, women are underfed in families because the family is so calculative in terms of not wanting to feed someone who potentially might get married and go to some other family .Such is the selfishness of indian families .And they try to pass of this extreme selfishness as Indian culture.These pseudo beacons of Indian culture are infact just very petty, ignorant and selfish morons who cannot see the larger picture of things. Women are the backbone of the society.Their health is important. If a mom is sad and desperate and feels abused, that is all she can pass on to her children.She will subconsciously pass on this ill feeling to her children.A happy mother makes a happy family.
Anyways, sometimes this high maternal mortality rate in these northern indian states is also attributed to poverty.. but but, how come there are tons and tons of beauty parlors then?
After all isnt beautification a luxury?
yet again, these large number of beauty parlors are just quite indicative of the telescopic petty selfishness of the men..ofcourse they are ready for their women to get beauty treatments.. Infact, all over india, women are constantly coached by families to keep their complexion clean and fair , and it is constantly drilled into their heads that beauty is the only way they can ever have a cause for self esteem.The husbands of north india gently encourage their women to get beauty treatments, after all, they want a pretty lil thing pleasing them in bed..But these very men have little care for the health of the women in the state..What a pitiful state of affairs.. where yet again the selfish men are taking care of their own sexual needs when they are eager to pay for the beauty treatment of their wives but are quite indifferent to the health needs of their wives..hmmmm
That is exactly why parents of girls need to stop being stupid and selfish and you should give your girl child some education.let her get a educational degree..Let her get a job..She will stop being a burden if you allow her to have an education.That is key. And when they have a job, not only can they pay for their own hospital visits, they can also pay for their own beauty parlor visits too. Look at the bigger picture.
copyright(c) 2009India Unlimited
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