These are two different kind of people.Or are they really?
Bapu is a native gujarathi word(westindian language-language spoken in gujarath) and it literally means FATHER.
Bapu is an endearing term for Gandhi- The father of our nation , India.
Gandhi by the way is also referred to as Mahathma meaning GREAT SOUL.
First off, I am an youngster in terms of age and it saddens me to say that people of my generation in India completely lack any knowledge of history or real culture or languages.Some of the ghetto youngsters might go ahead and beat up rich independant young women at pubs in the name of culture but ofcourse these ghetto youngsters really have no idea of what culture is.
Infact I suspect that they don't even have a decent vocabulary of a good 1000 words in their own native local language leave alone sanskrit.
Anways, it shocks me when people don't even know how to recite the national anthem 'jana gana mana ', are quite unaware of what the words are or who For some reason they know the words to dirty double meaning film songs like "cholee ke peechey kya hai" (what is inside or behind your blouse) , but they don't know our national anthem.
I am probably in the minority, who knows and recites these songs and understands their meaning and yet doesn't really shun any other foreign cultures . I am as good at sanskrit as I am at english, german and french.
You see, the more you see, the more you know, the more you know, the more you stop hating anything that is not remotely familiar.Ignorance breeds contempt.
Anyways, let us talk about the topic on hand. Bapu and Mallya.
"Who is Bapu?" , some might ask.
while some others might ask , "who is Mallya.?"
Mallya is an entrepreneur who made his fortune by starting India's very first brand of Beer. He made such a fortune (which indicates how many people in india drink beer to be able to generate such revenue- Btw, most of the drinkers are men, who for some reason never get beaten up by the culture beacons-probably the ghetto culture beacons themselves drink it in secret too) .He made such a fortune that he was rich enough to start an Airlines.
This Airlines is now the finest Inland Airlines. I say so from personal experience. They give you complimentary headphones while on flight all for the same price that some other airliines also fly , but these other airlines really don't offer anything. Infact , the flight attendants on these other airlines as so grumpy (read my older blog entry about this.Look at my archives down below the page)
Bapu is the father of the nation because he started something really great and this movement eventually led us to the country's Independance from the British who ruled the country for almost a lil more than 2 centuries.
Bapu never drank. He believed in Ahimsa(translated as non violence.) He wore those round glasses and drank goat's milk in a cup. He is a great man because he wanted everyone to come together irrespective of religion. So ofcourse, the father of the nation thought that all religions were the same.
He propounded the slogan of "hindu muslim bhai bhai" as in (hindus and muslims are brothers)
you see, he was a humanist.
It is only this religious unification that was able to bring about eventual freedom from a force that believed in 'Divide and Rule'
Now , Bapu was a simple man and never drank. Mallya is a flamboyant man(from what i can gather-not that i personally know him) and being the liquor guy, he does drink.
Now what made me mention both of these people together in a same blog?
Well !
Someone in Newyork auctioned off Gandhijis personal belongings and It was eventually Mallya with deep pockets that had to rescue our national treasure.
ofcourse, Bapu's belongings belong to the country where he led his movement, right?
So, It took a Mallya to bring back his belongings? especially while the Government of India just sat there like a nonchalant beggar asking some NRIS to purchase these items?
What the hell is this Government fit for if it cannot be rich enough to buy Bapu's belongings themselves?
It is a matter of pride that finally the belongings were purchased by an INDIAN rather than a NON RESIDENT INDIAN.
For a long time, Indians have had this mental complex. Oh, an INDIAN IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH, coz,, oohhhh, the NRI s are special. Unless someone from India goes abroad they are no special. You see, the NRIs are rich, They have money. Indians in India feel Inferior.
This attitude reeks of self depreciation to such an extent that i am starting to believe that the whole batch of present day Indians as an Insecure lot with no self respect or self confidence. Only money counts and if in the conversion rate, An NRI makes a lil bit more money, Oooooh, NRI is god.
So , therefore , I am proud that Mr.Mallya proudly bid and finally purchased Bapu's belongings and brought them back to india for a whopping 1.8 million.
You know what is so nice about Mallya being the right person to have brought them back?BECAUSE MALLYA BELIEVED IN THE SAME SWADESHI MOVEMENT THAT BAPU ONCE STARTED. Make your own stuff, don't depend on imports for quality goods.
Because, Mallya decided to make an INDIAN- LOCALLY MADE BEER, When till then, every indian was sillily consumed liquor made elsewhere and that which was being imported at great costs. He also decided to launch our own Indian based classy airlines, A CLASSY INDIAN AIRLINES ON PAR WITH INTERNATIONAL FLIGHT FLEETS.
You know what this is called? This is called patriotism. To feel ego and confidence enough to want to start our own companies and produce our own stuff that the masses can consume rather than buy them from foreigners . That is called SWADESHI MOVEMENT.
Btw, how exactly did bapu's belongings land up in that auction in the first place though?
Because some moron, 50 years ago, sold it off from India. Ofcourse those glasses were sold first by someone in India to someone else which finally landed in the hands of this person who wanted to auction it.
I mean, why did the Government not buy the glasses for the country? well, the goverment is full of thugs , that is why. They don't care about bapu's glasses, they care about their bribe filled pockets and their illegal properties.
Btw, speaking of what is common between Mr.Mallya and our dear Bapu?
Both of them had some self respect, Self respect enough to follow the swadeshi movement.
For some of you ignorant folks, let me explain the swadeshi movement.
Swadeshi,means , from one's own country. Gandhi started the KHADI MOVEMENT.
Upon the calling of Bapu, all Indians back then burnt all the woolen worsted suits and starting making their own clothing from cotton. They spun it into threads and weaved it into clothing. Have you heard of the SPINNING WHEEL? CHARKA?The rule was to not buy things made by someone ELSE and sold to us at very high prices.The theme was to make our own stuff and wear them.
This loss of revenue from taxes due to swadeshi movement was what broke the back of the then British Government back then and that is what paved way for our Independance.
And to now think that the country is being run by ignorant criminals who allow women ciitizens to be molested by other Ignorant thugs who don't know one bit about our history or culture or language or science.All they know is bribes and venting anger on other people.These ghugs and pseudoculture beacons need to go and get some education first.
yeah, btw, Gandhi, asked for Active women participation in the Movement. He asked all women to get out of their homes and go to jails.
You won't believe as to how many women went to jails during that time?
Think about it.. Develop a taste for your History. If we don't learn lessons from History, History is bound to repeat itself.
yeah, please buy Khadi. support the village cottage industries.
We have been reading a lot about Bapu's personal items being auctioned off and Mr Mallya winning the bid. Yet your article is very different than what I have read/seen till now - a paradigm shift. Thoroughly enjoyed reading it.