Saturday, February 27, 2010
I am back , But only momentarily!
What triggered off my conscience to start a blog on India alone was that incident way back in oct of 2008 where a bunch of uneducated idiots with no knowledge of culture,history or language or anything else decided to beat up women coz these women were at a place silently having a meal and a drink.A clear case of misplaced anger and resentment.
It has been more than a year after that.
I do have these raging blogs about India that come up in my head from time to time .
Lazy me, I let that moment pass every single time and as a result of that and my blog is all rusty and frequently NOT updated anymore.
I shall try though.k?
It has been more than a year after that.
I do have these raging blogs about India that come up in my head from time to time .
Lazy me, I let that moment pass every single time and as a result of that and my blog is all rusty and frequently NOT updated anymore.
I shall try though.k?
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Noise pollution and Air pollution on Deepavali day!
Some of my Non Indian readers might first wonder what DEEPAVALI is.Deepavali is one of the most popular festivals in India.It is called the festival of lights as it is customary to light oil lamps all along the front yard of each home on this day. I could ofcourse go yada yada about the significance of this festival and what not.But,But,that is not the aim of this blog entry.
It is only during the recent 60years that this festival has become less about just lighting pretty little lamps in a line in front of your home and has become more about bursting crackers and fireworks each deepavali. 'Deepa' literally translates from sanskrit into English as lamp or light.Vali means a line..So,yeah,Deepavali is all about lighting lamps in a line, not bursting crackers or noisy gunpowder bombs.
Each year, many people suffer burns and injuries during this festival because they d0n't take precautions while bursting firecrackers or wear the wrong kind of clothing while bursting crackers.Why exactly is everyone bursting crackers in the name of deepavali is my question!
THE CHINESE INVENTED GUNPOWDER. Before gunpowder and dynamite was invented there were no crackers at all.So, obviously there is no real place for crackers in the festival per say.
These crackers are noisy to the extent of causing instant deafness due to rupture of tympanic membrane due to the sudden deafening(literally) sound of a firecracker.These crackers also emit foul smelling noxious gases while burning up.Imagine a population of a billion or more people,all burning up noisy stuff all at the same time.It results in massive pollution.Just like immersing non-biodegradable statues into natural waterbodies in the name of tradition during Durga puja and Ganesh puja.
Keeping up traditions is just fine with me. In fact, I do like the lamp lighting part of it.But why go ahead and cause noise pollution by bursting crackers?( which btw was never a real original tradition in the first place!)
Think about it.Stop giving the excuse of TRADITION and doing things that are not actually really the tradition at all .Firecrackers never existed before gunpowder was invented,but deepavali existed before gunpowder was invented.So,go figure!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Life takes over and the Blogging takes a break!
I noticed that my last blog entry was in march.
For all the people who probably wondered for a little bit after coming over to check my blog page every now and then and wondering as to why I won't update anymore and finally gave up on me after a couple of months, I highly Apologize.
Unfortunately ,My life took me over, not allowing much time for Blogging.But that doesn't mean I left behind my research on All things Indian.The quest to analyze and concur why Indians behave the way they do continued.The usual head shaking in disapproval at a lot many contermparirly psuedoIndian things continued.
It is only that I didn't have enough time to put those disapprovals on my blog page in all the verbal glory that my blog readers are used to.
Anyways,I am trying to make a come back.
Afterall the truthsayer needs to live and tell the tale.
For all the people who probably wondered for a little bit after coming over to check my blog page every now and then and wondering as to why I won't update anymore and finally gave up on me after a couple of months, I highly Apologize.
Unfortunately ,My life took me over, not allowing much time for Blogging.But that doesn't mean I left behind my research on All things Indian.The quest to analyze and concur why Indians behave the way they do continued.The usual head shaking in disapproval at a lot many contermparirly psuedoIndian things continued.
It is only that I didn't have enough time to put those disapprovals on my blog page in all the verbal glory that my blog readers are used to.
Anyways,I am trying to make a come back.
Afterall the truthsayer needs to live and tell the tale.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Silly story ! Waiter can you now get me the REAL CAPPUCCINO please?
I started out this blog with a decision that I would post alternating silly stories with serious blog topics. But that really didn't happen as often as I would have liked.
Either ways , I am back with yet another silly life story . To read my other blog entries under the SILLY STORIES category, just scroll down the page and browse my archives section.
One sunny afternoon, I went along with someone else to this average looking cafe that was attached to a large bakery. I for the fancy of it all had decided that afternoon to dress in the most traditional attire possible . Again, this cafe that i visited was no High end cafe with fancy pastries and plated desserts or some such. This was neither that low end cafe where the only coffee they sell is Kaapi (coz that is all they know-They might even ask, isn't all coffee just kaapi?Well, No, It is not.). This was a mid level cafe with a menu printed in english with various coffee items listed by name or variety with a different price beside each name . The waiter that brought me the menu was dressed in the franchisee uniform too. So yeah, Not a low-end-generic-indian-eatery at all.
The menu had the following on the list ,
Lattee --%%%Rs
Cappuccino-^^^ Rs
Cold Coffee-&^^ Rs
Hot Tea-^&^Rs
Filter Coffee-&^*Rs
Sandwiches-&*&Rs and so on and so forth.
I ordered ,"Can you get me a cappuccino and a Latte Please! thanks ! "( please note that I ordered them because they had them on their menu.If there were none I would have most likely ordered what they had on their menu)
After a while the waiter came back with two cups of this plain-looking, over-burned coffee.Both the cups looked exactly the same. Looked like they mixed some very hot scalding milk with sugar in a pan on a stovetop and added some instant coffee powder to it and then overheated it some more till a skin formed on top. This is indicative of very bad coffee.No fresh coffee aroma whatsoever due to all that prolonged heating.
Coffee should never be heated on a stovetop at all. Even traditional filter coffee is never heated on a stove top. Only the milk is heated on stove top and then added to the precolator drip in a tumbler. But here, this coffee was truly representative of this aroma-less instant coffee with too much sugar that is served on trains in India. Well I don't mind an over sugared over burned coffee had it been what i had ordered. But I had ordered latte and cappuccino from their own menu.
I had ordered a cappuccino for myself and a latte for my other guest. Yet, both cups looked exactly alike. How can both lattee and cappuccino look like twins this way?
Now listen, here comes the fun part .
I call the waiter and ask him ," I hope you remembered to order a cappuccino and a latte for me ."
The waiter looks at me and gives a more scrutinizing look at my traditional attire and probably does his silly little mental math and probably thinks to himself about how much of bluffing he can get away with me.
He probably thought "Anyone who wears traditional attire will not really know one coffee from another . let me pull a fast one on this country bumpkin"
The waiter then proceeds to tell me ,"Yes, this is latte (while pointing to one cup) and this is cappuccino(while pointing to the other cup which looked like the exact same coffee in the other cup) .I got your order right "
Now I was starting to get a tad bit irritated , " Oh , but don't you think that both the cups look the same . I mean even if one of them is the right order, truly, you ordered two cups of the same variety."
Now the waiter has this sheepish evil grin on his face as if he is dealing with truly ignorant country bumpkins and says, " Oh no, that is how both of them look. They are actually both same. Latte and cappuccino are both coffee. Drink, drink"
Finally, it snapped and i said, " well, Both latte and cappuccino are not the same.They are different types of coffee. A latte is a more milky version of lightly flavored coffee. A cappuccino is a watery version of a strong frothy coffee. The percentages of coffee in each are different.The percentages of milk in each are different.The way you make each of them is different. So, well, neither of these cups is either a latte or a cappucino. I ordered for a cappuccino and so you better go there, use your coffee making machine, froth up your milk and gently pour it over your coffee decoction and then get me my cappuccino. I am gonna wait here for my order.You can take these cups of instant coffee back .Thanks"
For a moment, he was shocked that I said that and then he meekly picked up both the cups and went over to this other guy near the coffee machine. The funny part is, they had a coffee machine right there on the counter that they were not using.Both of them kept staring at me and then discussing stuff. I also noticed that to all customers that were coming in they were serving that same scalded coffee and serving them up because they thought that taking the trouble to use the coffee machine is quite unnecessary since most customers won't know the difference anyways. Probably they don't even . Who knows !
Finally, my frothy cappuccino arrived. It didn't taste any better . But hey, Atleast it had some froth for the sake of the name.
Sensationalistic extensive media coverage of criminal politics spawns more criminalization of politics
Yes, the media does need to report all that is happenning as part of elections campaigns-hate speeches included.But media over-exposure of these mindless-illegal-communal-hate-laced speeches over and over again every hour, can actually lead to certain other lesser known criminals in politics to assume that perhaps if they make their own speeches more hate filled they might get more media coverage right in time for the elections.
It is like this kid that notices that a bully kid is getting greater attention from the teachers for having beaten up kids at school and then proceeds to beat up kids himself just so that he can get some attention from the teacher too. Everyone is vying for visibility right before the elections. Media sends out the wrong signals by giving excessive repetitive coverage to the bad politicians and their worthless regressive stupid speeches and undercoverage to the good progressive politicians and their sensible speeches. Therefore, any politician seeking to get more media coverage gravitates towards performing outrageous acts just to get away with free and excessive visibility on tv.
Moral of the story? Report such untoward incidents only once during primetime news and put an end to it. Don't over-report untoward incidents to the point of glamourising them to glory .
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Are hate speeches a selling point in election campaigns in INDIA?
It is Election time in India .
Some 550 and odd representatives will be chosen by voters to represent them in the central house of parliament-The LokSabha.
The Loksabha election time , It comes every four years .It is a chaotic time especially since election campaigns are all over the place with erratically politically incorrect speeches splattered all over the place. It disheartens me that there is no protocol where criminals can be kept away from politics..Yes there is an ideal protocol on paper but it hardly ever gets honestly implemented.
Many political parties have many representatives who have clear past criminal records and these people actually get party tickets to represent and contest on behalf of a party in that place. Needless to say, the content of election campaign speeches are quite reflective of how criminals would speak when asked to say something relevant to an election campaign on a platform. Afterall , a criminal is a criminal because he/she understands only the language of use of violence to intimidate people and get them to do things their way .
Though there are clear mandates that have been prescribed by the Election commision of India(The governing body that makes sure that elections are conducted in an orderly manner and there is no discrepancy in terms of legality of the process or criminalization of the process) that no criminal be given party tickets to contest, and that no abrasive and inflammatory content be included in any of the election speeches as part of the campaign and that no money or gifts are given out prior to the elections to voters in their respective constituency as a bribe to egg them to vote for you irrespective of what you will do in the future for the constituency, Nothing really gets implemented.
Yet , so far, already , people of all the parties have been caught doing illegal things as part of their campaign. Some of them were caught on camera distributing currency notes during election speeches. Some of them have been caught threatening the female district magistrate who was displeased with the way the party was going about campaigning. Most candidates openly flout election rules by giving out sarees or rice to voters in an attempt to fool the voters to feel obligated in some way to vote for them just coz they got some rice or clothing out of the bargain.
The voters are here to choose someone who can come to power and make their constituency a better place to live. A bag of rice is not what the people need . . Why do you think they give out a bag of rice? They anticipate to misppropriate enough funds once in power to make up for all the rice bags they gave out during campaigns. I wish i could drill this enough into the minds of voters from small towns and villages, The fact that bags of rice don't matter, Look at the bigger picture and vote for the candidate who will take action. A bag of rice will only last that long , but a lok sabha member lasts four years. In India, becoming an MP or MLA is a way to do illegal things and accumulate illegal wealth. Why else do you think criminals are so eager to enter politics?
It is a cheap lil game of words that goes on between parties accusing each other of being irresponsible. My word is, all of irresponsible.All of them are cheap lil money sharks who only want to come to power for the money they could swallow up once they come into power .EAch of them acts like they are all goody goody , When ofcourse the truth of the matter is that politics is full of criminals irrespective of the party and most of them are so uneducated themselves that they don't understand the concept of a sensible election campaign speeches which talk about things the voter really should be concerned about. They are so uneducated they have no idea what official work is, what is illegal and what is legal. They talk like thugs and genuinely don't understand the legality of their actions.
These political party leaders are so uneducated that they truly don't understand that beating up a woman is wrong. They are so down there , they think that rape and beating up women are small incidents.They say these things because they really think these are small incidents. It is because these leaders come from families where beating up women is a normal occurance.We need more pragmatic educated leaders who understand the concept of better infrastructure .
We as voters ask for Good water supply, continuous electricity, good quality public school education, good roads, greater infrastructure, greater health care facilities with more number of locally run government funded hospitals. Not on just paper and in election speeches but in reality. So far, I have not see one party whose election campaign agenda includes these points. Most of them are talking about how if they come to power they will make sure that people of such and such community are not allowed to do this and this and how they are going to be good to onlya certain community . Sheesh. I mean, India is about diversity.No community gets preferential treatment. Any religion based or community based propoganda is a strict no no. We are here to share love and
Is it so hard to just live peacefully and exchange ideas within diverse cultural patterns ?
Are Indians so jobless that the only thing they seem to be caring these days is that people of other communities are beaten up? It is ridiculous.
It is very very disappointing to hear to hate speeches being freely spoken during campaigns where a particular projected candidate talks about how a seven year old neice or cousin of his, first had a look at the list of candidates for that constituency and asked him "why is osama bin laden on the list?"(referring ofcourse to a bearded contestant from that area and then He goes on to say how he will cut the hands of anyone who would raise a hand against any hindu. Seriously, Now the bearded people will then come up with an equally abrasive community speech. Gosh, seriously, Can we all jsut take advantage of the religious and cultural diversity rather than raise hands at each other and then cut each other's hands?
Don't we all have better things to do in life ?
All this hate is a waste of energy .
Too much negativity is such a detriment to development.
No seriously, why exactly is a candidate list being shown to a seven year old in the first place? and
Isn't cutting someone else's hands barbaric?
(yeah, In saudi they cut hands, They do so there coz they are very very primitive. The women in saudi have no basic rights, they can't even ride their own car. How much of gender discrimination is prevelant in saudi and how come the women of saudi are tolerant of such discirmination. well, that is another blog entry.)
But he said it and he said it so loudly and proudly because he was under the impression that the people of his constituency are really barabaric people who will clap their hands with glee at the prospect of hands being cut . That tells us a lot about the Disconnect between the understanding of what these political parties think that we as voters want and the actual things that the voter wants.
I am pretty sure the voter wants peace and prosperity .
I mean, I am a hindu, I can recite the samaveda in its exact tune , the way that was prescribed thousand years ago.Obviously therefore i can claim myself to be one great culture beacon. But see, no where in the vedas has it been told to cut anyone else's hands. I hardly care about hands being cut. What i care about is greater infrastructure, better roads, better buses, I want sophisticated railway stations. That is what I want. I really don't care about someone else's hand's getting cut . Infact, I would rather that no one has their hands cut, ever.
The hate speeches are bad. This is ridiculous, Meanwhile , the congress runs around cyring foul at how bad BJP is and how their speeches are hate filled. Congress is no less. Their speeches are as abrasive and senseless. All of them are worthless is all I say.
No one is focussing on what the voter wants. I hope , all of you, who are inside inside India and are citizens, have already registered yourself in your local electoral rolls. I also hope that you got your photo Voter's identity card. Yeah, if someone gives you grains and rice and sarees, take them. but that doesn't mean that you are obligated to vote for them at all. Yes, if the local goondas are standing for elections as candidates and are threatening you that they will harm you if you don't vote for them, Just listen to them mutely. But please vote for only the person you want to vote. Your vote is your only path to salvation. If you don't go vote on that day, these corrupt political parties send someone else pretending to be you to vote instead of you. So just to make sure your vote is not misused, go and vote. vote for an independant if at all . vote for educated people. Please Use your vote. I beg you.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
India's techno pride - Tata Nano -Car at it's cheapest !
I am back with intentions to go ga ga over authentic Indian companies that have made it big all over.
The company is question --TATA.
Tata , Our own Indian pride.
I have always been a big sucker for authentically Indian products. The more The Indian companies decide to manufacture quality products, the more we are self reliant and the more we are self reliant , the more money we save as a Country . Thus, Our country gets richer.
Buy Indian, be Indian. Truly, my motto(in some ways, wherever possible).
I think I am gonna take time and focus more on TATA (as a company) in another blog entry. But for now, let us take a look at the WORLD'S CHEAPEST CAR.
Story goes that Ratan Tata saw a family of five or six try to fit into a scooter and decided that a cheap car is in the calling just to cater to the needs of Indian families who do not have deep pockets but definitely could do with a four wheeler that fits the whole family .
Tata Nano was initially planned to be priced at 1 lakh( equivalent to approximately 2100 US dollars) , but then at this given point , the minimum possible price for a non AC model is prolly going to be something akin to 1 lakh and a good 25,000 Rs(Indian Rupees) extra. The A/C model is gonna cost more than that from what I hear.
picture courtesy:tata nano website.This the nano. Link to website provided at the bottom of the entry.Picture has been used only for non commercial descriptive purposes of product seen in the picture. Fair usage.
The Nano runs on petrol alone (looks like- no diesel ) , it definitely has more head space than a maruti 800 . So that is good. It is also now cheaper than the maruti. Till now the Maruti used to be the cheap car of India.

This is the reva. Picture courtesy: revaindia website.Link at the bottom of the blog entry. Fair use of image. Image has been used only for non commercial descriptive purposes of the very product in the picture.
The mileage as what they specify on the tata site is around 23 km per litre of petrol. It is on par in terms of safety norms too.
Being the environmental buff that I am , I prolly would have preferred REVA over NANO, had NANO not been cheaper to purchase than REVA.
REVA is the electric car of India (Not Indian though , or, Is it? ) with dirt cheap running prices . The running prices of NANO are gonna be high in comparison but then the buying price is so cheap. Yes it is not as smoke-free as REVA.
The thing about Both Nano and Reva is that they are small cars and they are easy to park. Less parking space. That is a great advantage not just in crowded India but anywhere in the world.
Having said all this, In a country where power outages are common and are even scheduled regular basis due to inability to produce enough power to meet demands, depending on an electric car can sometimes get tricky and stressful.
I just had a look at the dimensions of Nano and Reva, Nano is a wee bit bigger than Reva. Cool.
But yes, we have the world's cheapest car , Tata Nano , And it is INDIAN.
I am happy.
If you want to have a look at the features of nano go here
If my babble about Reva piqued your interest you can go here to read up more on the features
Please remember that I am NOT pitching either one of these cars, Just providing my two cents on the issue of small and cheap cars. I have no business affiliations with any company that i talk about on my blog.
Any company or product that impresses me in any given way, I just talk about them here. There is no business interest or affiliation ,whatsoever.
Infact, I am more for public transport and no cars. Only if public transport was less crowded and more frequent and safer.
The company is question --TATA.
Tata , Our own Indian pride.
I have always been a big sucker for authentically Indian products. The more The Indian companies decide to manufacture quality products, the more we are self reliant and the more we are self reliant , the more money we save as a Country . Thus, Our country gets richer.
Buy Indian, be Indian. Truly, my motto(in some ways, wherever possible).
I think I am gonna take time and focus more on TATA (as a company) in another blog entry. But for now, let us take a look at the WORLD'S CHEAPEST CAR.
Story goes that Ratan Tata saw a family of five or six try to fit into a scooter and decided that a cheap car is in the calling just to cater to the needs of Indian families who do not have deep pockets but definitely could do with a four wheeler that fits the whole family .
Tata Nano was initially planned to be priced at 1 lakh( equivalent to approximately 2100 US dollars) , but then at this given point , the minimum possible price for a non AC model is prolly going to be something akin to 1 lakh and a good 25,000 Rs(Indian Rupees) extra. The A/C model is gonna cost more than that from what I hear.
Yeah, the car looks cool. It is small, but from what I can gather from the pictures, It is definitely better than an Autorickshaw( the three wheeler vehicles that you can often see chug chugging on Indian streets-Much akin to the TUK TUK you see in south east asian countries ) . I tried looking at the technical specifications on the Tata nano website. It has a metal body, contrary to what one would assume it would be made of since it looks like a cute lil toy car.
The Nano runs on petrol alone (looks like- no diesel ) , it definitely has more head space than a maruti 800 . So that is good. It is also now cheaper than the maruti. Till now the Maruti used to be the cheap car of India.

This is the reva. Picture courtesy: revaindia website.Link at the bottom of the blog entry. Fair use of image. Image has been used only for non commercial descriptive purposes of the very product in the picture.
The mileage as what they specify on the tata site is around 23 km per litre of petrol. It is on par in terms of safety norms too.
Being the environmental buff that I am , I prolly would have preferred REVA over NANO, had NANO not been cheaper to purchase than REVA.
REVA is the electric car of India (Not Indian though , or, Is it? ) with dirt cheap running prices . The running prices of NANO are gonna be high in comparison but then the buying price is so cheap. Yes it is not as smoke-free as REVA.
The thing about Both Nano and Reva is that they are small cars and they are easy to park. Less parking space. That is a great advantage not just in crowded India but anywhere in the world.
Having said all this, In a country where power outages are common and are even scheduled regular basis due to inability to produce enough power to meet demands, depending on an electric car can sometimes get tricky and stressful.
I just had a look at the dimensions of Nano and Reva, Nano is a wee bit bigger than Reva. Cool.
But yes, we have the world's cheapest car , Tata Nano , And it is INDIAN.
I am happy.
If you want to have a look at the features of nano go here
If my babble about Reva piqued your interest you can go here to read up more on the features
Please remember that I am NOT pitching either one of these cars, Just providing my two cents on the issue of small and cheap cars. I have no business affiliations with any company that i talk about on my blog.
Any company or product that impresses me in any given way, I just talk about them here. There is no business interest or affiliation ,whatsoever.
Infact, I am more for public transport and no cars. Only if public transport was less crowded and more frequent and safer.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Firaaq got a theatrical release on friday yesterday all over India.
Well, for the newbie readers here, 'Firaaq' is the directorial Debut of Actress and Social activist, Nandita Das. I heard her talk about her movie on TV yesterday .This is what i gather about the theme of the movie.
The film is an attempt to engage with the complexities of lives especially in the context of the Godhra riots.
I did write a blog entry about this previously . I had wanted for someone to release it for viewers in India. That is exactly what happenned yesterday. Numerous multiplexes in India released this movie on their screens for people to watch.yay ! Jumps around in glee ! We are bringing back the age of sensible indian cinema.
The sad part for me though is that , the very eager that i am to get to watch this movie, I am completely tied up in work till atleast the first week of april and I just hope that this movie still is running then. I would definitely post a review on here if I manage to watch this move in the theatre. I am gonna watch a bunch of classy Indian movies after april and post my reviews on here.That is a promise.
Speaking of which, They kept talking about GARAM HAVA during the course of the Interview. I am gonna try getting hold of Garam hava if i can .
Meanwhile, All you lovely people who have oodles of free time this weekend , do go and catch it .
Speaking of movies based on a senstive topic like 'riots', I wasn't even aware of this other movie called Amu (though i vaguely remember having heard about it during film festival coverage on tv) till ofcourse Goel commented on my older blog entry about firaaq and mentioned AMU. Amu is based on the 1984 riots. Do you know how many people left the country during those riots because they didn't feel safe in India anymore?
Now AMU is another movie that I have added to me MUST WATCH LIST.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Bapu and Mallya !
These are two different kind of people.Or are they really?
Bapu is a native gujarathi word(westindian language-language spoken in gujarath) and it literally means FATHER.
Bapu is an endearing term for Gandhi- The father of our nation , India.
Gandhi by the way is also referred to as Mahathma meaning GREAT SOUL.
First off, I am an youngster in terms of age and it saddens me to say that people of my generation in India completely lack any knowledge of history or real culture or languages.Some of the ghetto youngsters might go ahead and beat up rich independant young women at pubs in the name of culture but ofcourse these ghetto youngsters really have no idea of what culture is.
Infact I suspect that they don't even have a decent vocabulary of a good 1000 words in their own native local language leave alone sanskrit.
Anways, it shocks me when people don't even know how to recite the national anthem 'jana gana mana ', are quite unaware of what the words are or who For some reason they know the words to dirty double meaning film songs like "cholee ke peechey kya hai" (what is inside or behind your blouse) , but they don't know our national anthem.
I am probably in the minority, who knows and recites these songs and understands their meaning and yet doesn't really shun any other foreign cultures . I am as good at sanskrit as I am at english, german and french.
You see, the more you see, the more you know, the more you know, the more you stop hating anything that is not remotely familiar.Ignorance breeds contempt.
Anyways, let us talk about the topic on hand. Bapu and Mallya.
"Who is Bapu?" , some might ask.
while some others might ask , "who is Mallya.?"
Mallya is an entrepreneur who made his fortune by starting India's very first brand of Beer. He made such a fortune (which indicates how many people in india drink beer to be able to generate such revenue- Btw, most of the drinkers are men, who for some reason never get beaten up by the culture beacons-probably the ghetto culture beacons themselves drink it in secret too) .He made such a fortune that he was rich enough to start an Airlines.
This Airlines is now the finest Inland Airlines. I say so from personal experience. They give you complimentary headphones while on flight all for the same price that some other airliines also fly , but these other airlines really don't offer anything. Infact , the flight attendants on these other airlines as so grumpy (read my older blog entry about this.Look at my archives down below the page)
Bapu is the father of the nation because he started something really great and this movement eventually led us to the country's Independance from the British who ruled the country for almost a lil more than 2 centuries.
Bapu never drank. He believed in Ahimsa(translated as non violence.) He wore those round glasses and drank goat's milk in a cup. He is a great man because he wanted everyone to come together irrespective of religion. So ofcourse, the father of the nation thought that all religions were the same.
He propounded the slogan of "hindu muslim bhai bhai" as in (hindus and muslims are brothers)
you see, he was a humanist.
It is only this religious unification that was able to bring about eventual freedom from a force that believed in 'Divide and Rule'
Now , Bapu was a simple man and never drank. Mallya is a flamboyant man(from what i can gather-not that i personally know him) and being the liquor guy, he does drink.
Now what made me mention both of these people together in a same blog?
Well !
Someone in Newyork auctioned off Gandhijis personal belongings and It was eventually Mallya with deep pockets that had to rescue our national treasure.
ofcourse, Bapu's belongings belong to the country where he led his movement, right?
So, It took a Mallya to bring back his belongings? especially while the Government of India just sat there like a nonchalant beggar asking some NRIS to purchase these items?
What the hell is this Government fit for if it cannot be rich enough to buy Bapu's belongings themselves?
It is a matter of pride that finally the belongings were purchased by an INDIAN rather than a NON RESIDENT INDIAN.
For a long time, Indians have had this mental complex. Oh, an INDIAN IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH, coz,, oohhhh, the NRI s are special. Unless someone from India goes abroad they are no special. You see, the NRIs are rich, They have money. Indians in India feel Inferior.
This attitude reeks of self depreciation to such an extent that i am starting to believe that the whole batch of present day Indians as an Insecure lot with no self respect or self confidence. Only money counts and if in the conversion rate, An NRI makes a lil bit more money, Oooooh, NRI is god.
So , therefore , I am proud that Mr.Mallya proudly bid and finally purchased Bapu's belongings and brought them back to india for a whopping 1.8 million.
You know what is so nice about Mallya being the right person to have brought them back?BECAUSE MALLYA BELIEVED IN THE SAME SWADESHI MOVEMENT THAT BAPU ONCE STARTED. Make your own stuff, don't depend on imports for quality goods.
Because, Mallya decided to make an INDIAN- LOCALLY MADE BEER, When till then, every indian was sillily consumed liquor made elsewhere and that which was being imported at great costs. He also decided to launch our own Indian based classy airlines, A CLASSY INDIAN AIRLINES ON PAR WITH INTERNATIONAL FLIGHT FLEETS.
You know what this is called? This is called patriotism. To feel ego and confidence enough to want to start our own companies and produce our own stuff that the masses can consume rather than buy them from foreigners . That is called SWADESHI MOVEMENT.
Btw, how exactly did bapu's belongings land up in that auction in the first place though?
Because some moron, 50 years ago, sold it off from India. Ofcourse those glasses were sold first by someone in India to someone else which finally landed in the hands of this person who wanted to auction it.
I mean, why did the Government not buy the glasses for the country? well, the goverment is full of thugs , that is why. They don't care about bapu's glasses, they care about their bribe filled pockets and their illegal properties.
Btw, speaking of what is common between Mr.Mallya and our dear Bapu?
Both of them had some self respect, Self respect enough to follow the swadeshi movement.
For some of you ignorant folks, let me explain the swadeshi movement.
Swadeshi,means , from one's own country. Gandhi started the KHADI MOVEMENT.
Upon the calling of Bapu, all Indians back then burnt all the woolen worsted suits and starting making their own clothing from cotton. They spun it into threads and weaved it into clothing. Have you heard of the SPINNING WHEEL? CHARKA?The rule was to not buy things made by someone ELSE and sold to us at very high prices.The theme was to make our own stuff and wear them.
This loss of revenue from taxes due to swadeshi movement was what broke the back of the then British Government back then and that is what paved way for our Independance.
And to now think that the country is being run by ignorant criminals who allow women ciitizens to be molested by other Ignorant thugs who don't know one bit about our history or culture or language or science.All they know is bribes and venting anger on other people.These ghugs and pseudoculture beacons need to go and get some education first.
yeah, btw, Gandhi, asked for Active women participation in the Movement. He asked all women to get out of their homes and go to jails.
You won't believe as to how many women went to jails during that time?
Think about it.. Develop a taste for your History. If we don't learn lessons from History, History is bound to repeat itself.
yeah, please buy Khadi. support the village cottage industries.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Pakistan and attacks on cricketers,IPL date crisis- The trust factor.
Okay, IPL dates clashing with Loksabha elections.It is an issue of inadequate security personnel available to accomodate both at the same time. The triggering factor for the panic about security issues is the following incident.
Some alleged terrorists try a shootout at the Srilankan Cricket teambus that was visiting Pakistan. The projected story is that of how the bus driver drove them to safety . I am glad the Srilankan team went home safe..Sighs.
This is a world of Mistrust.
Pakistan let the uneducated brute tribes of Afghanisthan get into a Swat peace deal with them.
How exactly do you trust such a country?
They lie about everything.
Is pakistan a terrorist state by itself?
Well, If a country secretly plans and supports and allows attacks, what will you call it?
Well, Pakistan just lies and lies and lies shamelessly.
The funny part is, You let the afghan tribals cross over to your country and then they kidnap an official of your own country.Pakistan gets a taste of its own medicine. You get it? These terrorists are terrorists for a reason.They are that way because they are uneducated in those high mountains of the tough terrain of Afghanisthan.
They have no access to education.They have no ficilities. They are idle.
An Idle mind is a devil's workshop.They are bitter.There is no use for the human potential there.
They want to do something coz they are sitting their idle on a mountain top with no running water and no exposure to science and technology or schools or education. What do they do ?
The young teen afghan boys look at guns as just another toy. When you look at young boys smiling at the camera while shooting off their guns, It occurs to you that these boys don't understand the gravity of the heinous acts they are committing. They are just young boys enthusiastic about doing something, just about anything.Something for their boredom.
So yes, there is no point letting such terrorists entering your country and expect them to become all sensible in a day.
Anyways, given all these facts, it is tough to trust pakistan. It is tough to trust that they were not indirently involved in the bus attack of the Srilankan players . I don't trust them. Maybe it was all staged so that pakistan can pretend like they themselves are victims just like India.But, they are perpetrators, though.That is what i suspect.
It was outrageous when they started saying that India is somehow involved in it. A cheap and slimy attempt to divert the world's attention from the stark and clear proof that India put forward as to who was behind the Mumbia attacks. Sly little creatures.They must be ashamed.
You know, Pakistan is an irresponsible trouble maker. An jealous neighbour who wants to create trouble.
Yeah, due to this shoot out, IPL matches look like 'High risk events'. Given the fact that no one really does their job sincerely in India, It is very foolish to trust the security measures. The policemen take everything lightly. If it is their job to check everyone's baggage before entering a stadium, they seldom do it. They look at a pretty face and say , " teekh hai madam, aaap under jao ! " ( it is alright madam, you can go in). As if their eyes are great xrays. LOL.whatever.
So yeah, most security breaches happen because someone somewhere is not doing their job. Also, i think, it just doesn't make sense to expect six policemen to be put in charge of checking the bags of say 50.000 stadium visitors. These policemen can only do so much without loosing their attention span. We lack proper planning. We hardly care about anything.There is apathy everwhere.
It was irritating to sit and watch the tickr go and on and one about IPL dates every 50 seconds on TV on every news channel this past week or more. It grates on your nerves. No , really, It does.
The news Tickr per say can be done with. It is repetitive, full of spelling mistakes, irrelevant and generally distracting.It causes eye strain too.
The laksabha election dates were clashing with IPL dates. It is only sensible to understand that Lok sabha elections are more important.
Finally after much hooopla on television, Looks like they have come to a consensus that the IPL dates and venues will get changed . A relief.
Also, Please register yourself on the electoral roll, Please please please vote. Vote is your way to telling , who is the boss. Especially since it has come to everyone's notice about how governments are under the impression that they are dictators who can do anything.
Please vote.
Some alleged terrorists try a shootout at the Srilankan Cricket teambus that was visiting Pakistan. The projected story is that of how the bus driver drove them to safety . I am glad the Srilankan team went home safe..Sighs.
This is a world of Mistrust.
Pakistan let the uneducated brute tribes of Afghanisthan get into a Swat peace deal with them.
How exactly do you trust such a country?
They lie about everything.
Is pakistan a terrorist state by itself?
Well, If a country secretly plans and supports and allows attacks, what will you call it?
Well, Pakistan just lies and lies and lies shamelessly.
The funny part is, You let the afghan tribals cross over to your country and then they kidnap an official of your own country.Pakistan gets a taste of its own medicine. You get it? These terrorists are terrorists for a reason.They are that way because they are uneducated in those high mountains of the tough terrain of Afghanisthan.
They have no access to education.They have no ficilities. They are idle.
An Idle mind is a devil's workshop.They are bitter.There is no use for the human potential there.
They want to do something coz they are sitting their idle on a mountain top with no running water and no exposure to science and technology or schools or education. What do they do ?
The young teen afghan boys look at guns as just another toy. When you look at young boys smiling at the camera while shooting off their guns, It occurs to you that these boys don't understand the gravity of the heinous acts they are committing. They are just young boys enthusiastic about doing something, just about anything.Something for their boredom.
So yes, there is no point letting such terrorists entering your country and expect them to become all sensible in a day.
Anyways, given all these facts, it is tough to trust pakistan. It is tough to trust that they were not indirently involved in the bus attack of the Srilankan players . I don't trust them. Maybe it was all staged so that pakistan can pretend like they themselves are victims just like India.But, they are perpetrators, though.That is what i suspect.
It was outrageous when they started saying that India is somehow involved in it. A cheap and slimy attempt to divert the world's attention from the stark and clear proof that India put forward as to who was behind the Mumbia attacks. Sly little creatures.They must be ashamed.
You know, Pakistan is an irresponsible trouble maker. An jealous neighbour who wants to create trouble.
Yeah, due to this shoot out, IPL matches look like 'High risk events'. Given the fact that no one really does their job sincerely in India, It is very foolish to trust the security measures. The policemen take everything lightly. If it is their job to check everyone's baggage before entering a stadium, they seldom do it. They look at a pretty face and say , " teekh hai madam, aaap under jao ! " ( it is alright madam, you can go in). As if their eyes are great xrays. LOL.whatever.
So yeah, most security breaches happen because someone somewhere is not doing their job. Also, i think, it just doesn't make sense to expect six policemen to be put in charge of checking the bags of say 50.000 stadium visitors. These policemen can only do so much without loosing their attention span. We lack proper planning. We hardly care about anything.There is apathy everwhere.
It was irritating to sit and watch the tickr go and on and one about IPL dates every 50 seconds on TV on every news channel this past week or more. It grates on your nerves. No , really, It does.
The news Tickr per say can be done with. It is repetitive, full of spelling mistakes, irrelevant and generally distracting.It causes eye strain too.
The laksabha election dates were clashing with IPL dates. It is only sensible to understand that Lok sabha elections are more important.
Finally after much hooopla on television, Looks like they have come to a consensus that the IPL dates and venues will get changed . A relief.
Also, Please register yourself on the electoral roll, Please please please vote. Vote is your way to telling , who is the boss. Especially since it has come to everyone's notice about how governments are under the impression that they are dictators who can do anything.
Please vote.
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